Recruiter suspensions usually occur when your response rate drops below 10% of the Agency Average. You can learn more about Response Rates in our support article here.
It's important to keep in mind that even after you've responded to all of your conversations that need your attention, you will need to wait until your Response Rate has been updated. We've recently launched improvements to make Response Rates reflect your performance that is closer to real-time, but may still take a few moments to update.
What does the suspension do?
The suspension will limit a recruiter’s ability to receive new inbound leads and send proposals.
How to remove a suspension?
To become re-enabled, increase your response rate by engaging with your leads on Vivian. When your response rate metric updates, you will become re-enabled as long as the updated response rate matches or exceeds your company’s average.
What if I received candidates that were transferred to me?
If a recruiter #1 transfers a chat to another recruiter #2, it no longer counts toward their application response rate for #1.
If recruiter #1 transfers a candidate to recruiter #2 with an application that still needs a response within the month, recruiter #2 will need to respond to any unanswered applications and this will start tracking their metrics.
The best way to ensure your application response rate increases is to respond to all your messages since the first of the current month.
Using a template also counts as a response to an application.
Transferring a candidate and having a candidate end a conversation before you reply will not affect your application response rate.
Your response rate is updated within moments of a response but on occasion may take a few additional minutes to update during busier times.
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