New inbox enhancements
To help you quickly identify qualified candidates in your inbox, you can now filter and sort by profile completion percentage.
Watch this video to learn how.
New submission packet builder
You can now build your submission packets directly on Vivian! Every document that is stored in a candidate’s profile can now be downloaded and combined into a single PDF, including a Vivian auto-generated cover sheet. You can also upload your own private documents to include in your submission packet.
Watch this video to learn how.
Product fix: Vivian calendar settings
You can now sync your calendar with Vivian, making it easy to share your availability with candidates for scheduling meetings. We've received feedback about occasional mismatches in availability and have shipped a fix to resolve this issue. Your calendars should now align correctly. Give it a try and save time by letting candidates schedule meetings directly with you. Simply go into your profile settings to synch your calendar.
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